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Juicy Buns, Justice and Tax Fairness

Justice triumphed in the squared circle in downtown Raleigh, N.C., in a masked Mexican luchadoras (female wrestlers) Tax Day rumble that pitted Juicy Buns, wrestling as “The People’s Champion,” against corporate-created and -backed “Champion of the Powerful,” The Scrambler.

AFT President Weingarten Confronts Hedge Fund Tycoon About Pension Attacks

The Masters of the Universe on Wall Street would have us believe that they have attained their exorbitant wealth because of superior intellect and work ethic. Yet, time after time, they prove to us through behavior that could generously be described as ethically challenged that, in fact, they have not become Masters of the Universe by being smarter or harder working than the rest of us.

Report: Young People Continue to Face Jobs Crisis

In a new report for Demos, Stuck: Young America's Persistent Jobs Crisis, authors Catherine Ruetschlin and Tamara Draut examine the state of the youth workforce in the United States and find that while the overall economy is showing signs of improvement, young workers are still in a state of crisis. The authors warn that if policy isn't changed to address the challenges young people face, "we risk a generation marked by the insecurities of the Great Recession for the rest of their working lives."

American Crystal Sugar Workers Ratify Contract

Locked-out workers at American Crystal Sugar plants in Minnesota, North Dakota and Iowa will soon be returning to work after they ratified a contract late last week. The company locked out 1,300 workers, members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM), in August 2011.

Current Patriot Coal CEO Agrees with UMWA Claim That Patriot Seemed Designed to Fail

As previously reported, the Mine Workers (UMWA) contend that Patriot Coal was set up by Peabody Energy and Arch Coal purposely to fail in order to dump costs associated with retirees who had worked for the two companies. Now Ben Hatfield, the current CEO of Patriot, says that he agrees with UMWA President Cecil Roberts that the creation of Patriot seemed destined to fail. Hatfield was, at the time, CEO of International Coal Group. Patriot recently has filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in order to shed retiree costs, mostly from Peabody and Arch.

5 Things Your Tax Guy Didn’t Tell You

Tax season is upon us. Whether you use an online filing service or a certified public accountant or your mom still helps you fill out your taxes, here are five things you probably won’t learn from your 1040.

New PayWatch Spotlights CEO Pay, Fix the Debt Hypocrisy, Golden Nest Eggs and More

Did you know that the CEOs of the Campaign to Fix the Debt, the corporate front group that wants to cut Social Security and Medicare and lower corporate taxes, have parked more than $418 billion of untaxed corporate profits overseas? Overall it is estimated that U.S. corporations have as much as $1.9 trillion sheltered overseas. That would make a nice down payment on fixing the debt.You can read about "Fix the Debt" and more in the 2013 edition of the AFL-CIO’s Executive PayWatch launched today. PayWatch not only shines a light on Fix the Debt hypocrisy, but it also explores the huge wage gap between CEO pay and the average U.S. worker. PayWatch started in 1997. Visit www.paywatch.org.

Source: WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report