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Source: Fast Food Forward / UnionBook

St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Unions to Blame for Economic Woes? 'Oh, Please'

Today the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial Board ridiculed the absurd notion from the Missouri State Senate that somehow union members (teachers, nurses, secretaries, pothole fixers and home health care workers) are to blame for the state's economic woes. "Oh, please," the board responds. 

Ryan Budget Highlights House Republicans' Extreme Demands

It's back. The Ryan–GOP budget that gives seniors "coupons" to pay for health care and guts Medicaid and public investment to enrich millionaires and billionaires was once again proposed by the House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) today. 

America, Let's Get Back to Work

You probably don't have to look beyond your own community to see the visible signs of a crumbling and over-crowded transportation system. And you probably don't need to look further than your own family or close friends to find someone who is out of work.