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Ironworkers: The Original Recyclers

The Ironworkers are committed to green training and consider themselves the "original recyclers." Learn more from California Ironworkers Apprenticeship Director Dick Zampa in this video the Ironworkers sent us. 

PBS Airs Segment About Union Volunteers Building Accessibility Ramps in Detroit Area

In case you missed it, "A Wider World," a PBS TV show, is replaying a segment highlighting the work of union volunteers and the United Way for Southeastern Michigan on the Ray West Memorial Ramp Project. Check out the video above, and check your local PBS listings for times the segment will air in your area. "A Wider World" focuses on inspirational tales, stigma busting, cutting-edge treatment options and assisting technology, veterans issues, sports and other stories that celebrate the resilience of the human spirit and the abilities of all.

Join AFL-CIO and MomsRising for an Earned Paid Sick Days Twitter Chat

On Wednesday, April 24, the AFL-CIO and MomsRising will be hosting a Twitter chat at 2 p.m. ET about earned paid sick leave. Follow the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #WellnessWed. 

Death Trap Plants Win ‘Safe’ Certifications, New AFL-CIO Report Reveals

Would you trust that your food is clean and uncontaminated, the plane you’re flying in airworthy or your workplace safe, if those were certified by companies counting on the profits they’ll make from your purchases, travel and labor? Of course not.But that’s the dilemma millions of workers around the world face—often with deadly results—when it comes to their safety on the job, a new report from the AFL-CIO reveals:www.aflcio.org/csr. 

Source: AFL-CIO

Source: The Nation