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Republicans Hide Attack on Overtime Pay Behind ‘Flexibility’ Mask

Republicans in Congress have renewed their decades-old attack on the 40-hour workweek. Once again, they are pushing so-called “comp time” legislation that would allow employers to stop giving workers any extra pay for overtime work.

Stiglitz: U.S. Paying a High Price for Inequality

On Monday, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz told a packed crowd at the AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington, D.C., that the United States is paying a high price for the growing inequality facing the country. But, despite the long-thought idea that we have to choose between growth and equality, he said that the two are complements and that we can have both a strong, growing economy and equality.

UFCW Canada and Mexico's Farm Workers Sign Historic Agreement

The National Farm Workers' Confederation (CNC) and United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Canada signed a historic agreement to ensure the rights of migrant agriculture workers are protected and defended in Mexico, Canada and the United States, reports UFCW Canada. 

Drug Savings Act Would Strengthen Medicare Without Harming Beneficiaries

Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W-Va.) introduced the Medicare Drug Savings Act of 2013 that would produce savings without passing on costs to seniors. The act offers a worthwhile alternative to this approach, strengthening the Medicare program’s fiscal footing while shielding beneficiaries from harmful cost-shifting. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that restoration of Medicaid-level drug rebates for low-income Medicare beneficiaries would save the federal government $141 billion over 10 years. As federal budget negotiations continue, we urge you to consider the following critical facts: