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Boston's Low-Wage Workers Affected by City's Shutdown

While most attention in the Boston tragedy is rightfully focused on the victims of last Monday's bombings at the Boston Marathon, the damage done by the terrorist attacks didn't end with the explosions or the subsequent shootout that led to additional deaths. Much of the city shut down during the manhunt for the terror suspects; and while most salaried employees could take the day off without losing pay, low-wage workers did not have that luxury. Other workers were forced to work long hours or brave dangerous conditions to get their jobs done.

Tell North Dakota Gov. Dalrymple: Don’t Hurt Locked-Out Workers

The North Dakota AFL-CIO is calling out the hypocrisy of legislative Republicans and asking the state's residents to demand that Gov. Jack Dalrymple (R) veto a bill that would deny locked-out workers unemployment benefits. According to an action alert sent out by the state federation, extreme right-wing Republicans in the legislature have voted to both deny locked-out workers unemployment benefits and to give themselves pay raises and more benefits.

TWU: Integrity Is Forever

Check out this new video from Transport Workers (TWU) Local 555 that is seeking a fair contract with Southwest Airlines. Trends come and go, but integrity is forever. TWU members hope Southwest gets the message. 

Trumka Calls on Obama Administration to Cease Deportations of Aspiring Citizens

Sebastian Velasquez saw his family for the last time when they were helping him move into his Georgetown University dorm before the start of his first semester. A few months later, he found out that his father, mother and sister were in deportation proceedings. They were eventually deported to Colombia.